4-17-18 A Million Dreams

I saw the movie "The Greatest Showman" a few months ago. I LOVED IT!!!

There's one song that really resonated with me:

(Actually, I loved the whole movie and the music continues to run through my head at all sorts of weird times.)

(True fact...if I turn on the soundtrack just as I'm leaving Wesleyan, the last song is just ending as I pull into my garage. What are the chances???)

Anyhow, back to this particular song...

Every night I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake.
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all it's gonna take
A million dreams for the world we're gonna make.

I DO THIS!!! Seriously. Every single night I lie there, awake, for an hour or more, thinking about things I could do. If you know me well, you know this is true! I have started a philanthrophy group, caregiver group, led dance classes, fixed all my problems, fixed all YOUR problems, redecorated my house, remodeled my house, planned my funeral...all in my head only, and the list goes on and on.

My dad got emphysema from smoking when he was in his 50's. As this disease progressed, he lost many of his physical abilities. Walking across the room or showering became difficult because they all felt like he had run a marathon--he just couldn't catch his breath. But, my mom said, "If his body would just keep up with his mind...his brain is always whirring." I get that. I'm not ready to just flow with life. I want to change the flow!!!

BTW, this is my final few weeks of NWU schooling for my social work degree. Woo hoo!!! This semester has been filled with just one class--but a really tough one, Macro Practice--and then my practicum. I started off the semester at Oxbow Living Center, here in Ashland. It was a great experience! Loved the people, loved the facility, but there just wasn't enough to keep me busy there, and, you know, I like to be busy. So, at the halfway mark I moved over to Ashland Care Center. That's been a good experience too. Since ACC is a skilled care facility (instead of assisted living) there are lots more regulations and reports and the people's level of need is quite a bit higher. Therefore, more for me to do and learn. I'm up to about 260 hours of the 400 needed (NWU said I need to save 100 hours to do post-graduation, May 5.) My plan is to be totally done by Memorial Day!! Kitt Watley, CSW (certified social worker!) will arrive.

I've had a couple interviews, but nothing set yet. I'm OK with working or OK with not working. I'm just asking God to show me what he wants me to do. He's not quite answering within MY timetable, though.

Loy is careening towards his retirement from Wesleyan, which also happens on May 5. Don't ask what he'll do with all his time. He hasn't determined that yet. When we know, we'll let you know!! So far, just looking forward to traveling and lying on the beach, and spending more quality time with Pip and Sparky, his favorite dogs. (OK, maybe not that last one...)

Well, in writing this, I realize why I haven't blogged in so long...between school and school, not much has been happening. So, I'll sign off for now.

Have a great spring!! (We're evidently not having one, so I hope your's is better!)

